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How do you know if patients are actually getting your message?


Recently a client came to us with an urgent issue.  This issue was around understanding if their very important compliance messaging was actually reaching consumers and having an impact.  The client did not have months to wait to understand if the communication was remembered and understood – so they came to us!

By utilizing our unique approach to survey recruitment, we were able to obtain patients based upon their actual purchasing behavior as well as their exposure to the messaging itself.  MSW●ARS’s Behavior Activated Research Rx® (BAR Rx® is a proprietary survey technique, in partnership with Adheris Health (formerly Catalina Health®). It enables our clients to obtain powerful insights by targeting consumers in Physician Offices and Pharmacies based on transactions, message exposure or past prescription history.


In this case specifically, we were able to meet two imperative client goals:  quick timing and valuable insights!

  1. The entire project from kick-off to results took less than nine weeks to get a robust sample.  Other recruitment methods would have likely taken double or triple the time.

  2. Our client was also very pleased with the information obtained and was able to easily understand which direction they should take next.  At a very high level, the project concluded that while the client did a good job starting the communication around this information, there was a lot more that needed to be done about educating the consumer – and likely via different means (e.g. social media, etc.).

BAR Rx is utilized for various reasons across our pharmaceutical client base – from messaging compliance, competitive knowledge, category overviews and new product launch usage understanding.  The unique aspect of this product is that we have access to a very large database of patient information to work from where surveys can be triggered off any dimension, such as past Rx purchase (including generic), age, gender, co-pay, etc.  This database contains 5 year patient histories with over 130 million health care consumers. We are now able to target as never before and reach a range of consumer segments and niche groups with ease.

Please reach out to us to learn more!

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